Chimney Construction & Repair

Chimney Construction & Repair

Chimneys Plus specializes in all aspects of the chimney. We offer both repair services as well as new construction and rebuild services. If your chimney is in disrepair, call us for an inspection, and we can diagnose what the best option is for repair to the chimney.
Below, we have assembled photo sequences of a few of the different jobs that we have done to show what types of repair may be necessary.

Flashing Repair

When flashing is not constructed & sealed properly between the chimney and the roof, it can cause severe water damage to the roof, leakage inside the house, as well as other issues such as mold. The sequence of pictures below take you briefly through our process of repair.

Chimney Flashing Chimney Flashing Chimney Flashing
Chimney Flashing Chimney Flashing


Rebuild From Roof Up

When a chimney is built in the center of the house, generally, there is only a limited amount of damage that occurs. In these cases, when necessary, we take the chimney down below the roof line, and rebuild it from the roof up. Below are a few before and after pictures of rebuilds that we have done.

Chimneys Plus Bethel CT Rebuild Greenwich Chimneys Plus Bethel CT Rebuild Greenwich
Chimneys Plus Rebuild Befoe Chimneys Plus Rebuild After
Chimneys Plus Rebuild Ridgefield Before Chimneys Plus Bethel CT Ridgefield Rebuild


Full Rebuild & New Construction

In some cases, you may just want a masonry chimney or chase where there isn’t one already. A chase is built to look like a chimney, but it is a framed out box that runs vertically along side the house. Sometimes a chase is covered in vinyl siding to match the house. Otherwise, it is typically faced with either brick or stone to mimic a real chimney.
In some cases, a full, existing chimney is either in bad disrepair, or due to settling or other factors, the chimney has pulled away from the house. The only way to fix these situations is to take the entire chimney down to the ground and start from scratch. Below, you will find a few examples of these different types of jobs.

New Construction

Fireplace Chase Construction Fireplace Chase Construction Fireplace Chase Construction
Fireplace Chase Construction Fireplace Chase Construction Fireplace Chase Construction


Outdoor Fireplace Outdoor Fireplace Outdoor Fireplace
Outdoor Fireplace Outdoor Fireplace Outdoor Fireplace
Outdoor Fireplace Outdoor Fireplace Outdoor Fireplace


Full Teardown & Rebuild

Chimney Rebuild Chimney Rebuild
Fireplace Rebuild Fireplace Rebuild Fireplace Rebuild
Fireplace Rebuild Fireplace Rebuild Fireplace Rebuild
Fireplace Rebuild Fireplace Rebuild Fireplace Rebuild
Fireplace Rebuild Fireplace Rebuild Fireplace Rebuild